
Laser Job Shop and ISO 9001:2015

Laser Job Shop and ISO 9001:2015

Titanova, Inc. is an ISO 9001:2015 certified laser job shop. We are a premier supplier of novel material processing solutionsbased on diode lasers, the smallest and most efficient lasers available today. We are the onlylaser-based contract manufacturing service provider offering non-cutting laser process services such as laser heat treating, laser cladding and laser welding in the entire central Midwest region. With over 40 years of combined experience in the area of diode laser technology, Titanova can provide a complete diode laser solution from process development, contract manufacturing services, to integrated manufacturing equipment.

Titanova is unique in that it understands the design, fabrication, operation, use, and production integration of diode lasers. In addition, we combine this knowledge with years of materials understanding, producing a complete solution.

We build to fit, thus offering our customers rapid turnaround solutions at the lowest cost and highest quality.