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I was pretty unfamiliar with chiropractics before I had made an appointment with Dr. Unfried. He did a great job explaining his different techniques and adjustments so that I knew what areas of my back and neck would be helped. It has been over a month since my visit and I haven't had any more pain or discomfort. Very professional and knowledgeable as well.
Evan M.

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Dr. Unfried is a talented and capable doctor of chiropractic. He has a true interest in his client's welfare, and I intend to be a client of his for as long as he'll treat me.
Linda Beacham

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I started having recurrent lower back and shoulder pain from working as a Paramedic for 7 years. I started getting chiropractic care about 1 1/2 years ago and it was the best decision of my life! I no longer wake up restless from tossing and turning and trying to forget about my pain. I will continue my visits for many years to come! Thanks Andrew!
Dan Parrott , Paramedic
Red Bud, IL

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I have had pain for over ten years due to a bad martial arts injury, which resulted in torn muscles around my ribcage and in my left shoulder and neck. I have had two knee surgeries and a constant battle with plantar fasciitis in both feet. I was a mess! I was always very active teaching aerobics, walking and weightlifting, but the scar tissue from the injuries really limited what I could do. I tried to stay active and just "work through the pain." After hearing about Dr. Unfried and the Active Release Technique he was using to relieve pain and restore motion and function of the muscles, I decided to try it. I felt some relief after the first session and there was more and more improvement after that. I was able to increase the weight I was lifting and even take Yoga (I've been wanting to try it for years but was afraid it would hurt my ribcage). I can also turn my head from side to side with a much greater range of motion and no pain! Dr. Unfried takes his time with you, so you don't feel like you're being rushed through an appointment. Thank you, Dr. Unfried. I didn't realize how much pain I was in for years until it was relieved!!
Kate Zabotka


As a Sheriff’s Deputy, I am on my feet a lot. The utility belt I wear as part of my uniform started to take its toll on my lower back. The pain in my back continued to get worse to the point it was interfering with my duties and my personal life.

I had been in varying levels of pain for about 10 years. Some days the pain was able to be relieved by over the counter medications. (Aleve, Advil) One morning, I was in the gym and was doing squats when I felt a muscle in my back go out. The only way I can describe it is to say that it felt like the muscle ripped into two pieces. I was able to go and see my Primary Care Physician and was given pain killers and muscle relaxers. These drugs really did nothing but mask the pain.

I finally made an appointment to see Dr. Unfried, even though I was a little skeptical about the whole concept of chiropractors. I started going in three times a week and after just one week, I was shocked to notice that the simplest things (such as getting out of bed in the morning) were not as painful.

After about two months of treatment I was 100% pain free. I was truly unaware what it felt like to be pain free since I had gone ten years dealing with the pain. The treatment consisted of adjustments and Active Release Technique on my lower back. No more muscle relaxers or pain killers are needed and I am at full strength and pain free for the first time in a very long time.
I honestly have to say, I really think Dr. Unfried saved my career, without his treatment I would have never been able to continue working as a Sheriff’s Deputy.
William “Alan” Cowley
St. Louis Sheriff’s Department.


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